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RE: "Rockin' the Shtetl" archive URL

I discovered that, at least on my PC, when you go to the link below and
try to open it, it gives you a message about a possible security hazard
and asks you if you want to open it or save it to disk. I clicked save
it to disk, and it saved it to my hard drive. Bryan is right, it's big
(9mb). But now I can enjoy Seth's show whenever I want.

I THINK this is legally and ethically correct. It is functionally the
same as if I lived close enough to pick up the show live, and taped it
off the air. I think I can do that if I am only doing it for my own use.


>-----Original Message-----
>From:  Bryan Stover [SMTP:bstover (at) uafphpl(dot)uark(dot)edu]
>Sent:  Tuesday, April 11, 2000 11:38 AM
>To:    World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject:       "Rockin' the Shtetl" archive URL
>At Tue, 11 Apr 2000 10:58:43 -0400, Seth Rogovoy wrote:
> >
> >> Seth, is there any way to listen to your show except live
> >> (it goes out around dawn London time!)
> >
> > Try this:
> > Let us know if it works.
>What a pleasant surprise! The actual URL for the file of
>last night's show is:
>It's a big honker--9263Kb--that took about fifteen minutes
>to download over a reasonably fast network connection. But
>was it ever worth it! I'm only a few minutes into the show,
>have heard Klezamir and Khevrisa, and am enjoying Pharoah's
>Daughter. Oy, the joy!
>Thanks, Seth, for alerting us to the availability of this
>wonderful music!
>Cheers,   Bryan
>       -+-

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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