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"Rockin' the Shtetl" archive URL


At Tue, 11 Apr 2000 10:58:43 -0400, Seth Rogovoy wrote:
 >> Seth, is there any way to listen to your show except live
 >> (it goes out around dawn London time!)
 > Try this:
 > Let us know if it works.

What a pleasant surprise! The actual URL for the file of
last night's show is:

It's a big honker--9263Kb--that took about fifteen minutes
to download over a reasonably fast network connection. But
was it ever worth it! I'm only a few minutes into the show,
have heard Klezamir and Khevrisa, and am enjoying Pharoah's
Daughter. Oy, the joy!

Thanks, Seth, for alerting us to the availability of this
wonderful music!

Cheers,   Bryan


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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