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Re: photo of musicians

>Paul - Stutchkoff's Yiddish thesaurus has "buben" after "tamburin". Now I
>know what it looks like. Thanks- Itzik

>That would be a _beben_ (the first 'e' has a little tail) in Polish;
>_buben_ in Russian, if I'm not mistaken. It was
>common to older ensembles in Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, and
>used by klezmorim in the 19th century. Would that also be the word in
>Yiddish (i.e., traditional Yiddish, not a word made up by a
>lexicographer deriving the term, say, from Western European art
>Paul Gifford

Dr. Itzik Nakhmen Gottesman
Assistant Professor, Yiddish Language and Culture
Department of Germanic Studies
University of Texas at Austin
EPS 3.102
Austin, TX 78704-1190
NEW PHONE NUMBER (512)232-6360 work
(512)444-3990 home


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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