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Re: Purimshpil

This is a big topic which a number of people have worked and do work on
(Shifre Epstein in the US, Jean Beaumgarten in Paris among others). For the
moment, here are the three purim shpiln that I can think of that are
published with music. There are many others published (in Yiddish) without

1)"Akhashverush purim shpil" [in Yiddish] collected by A. Litvin,
Literarishe farlag, NY 1916

2) Shifre Epstein, "Danil-Shpil bakhasidut bobov" [Shifre's notes in
Hebrew, the text in Yiddish].Jerusalem 1998. (SHe made a video tape of this

3) Shmuel Lehman collected a purim shpil and included the music in "Bay
undz Yidn" (warsaw 1923).  The text is translated into English and analyzed
in Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, "Contraband: Performance, Text and
Analysis of a Purim-shpil"  The Drama Review, Vol. 24, #3, Sept. 1980

4) In the YIVO collection "Yidisher folklor" edited by I.L Cahan, vilne,
1938, there are 16 purim shpiln with no music. However, if you read S.Z.
Pipe's notes at the end of the volume, he gives some references to the song
texts so one could reconstruct some of the melodies (several are by Zunser,
Goldfaden and Berl Broder).

- Itzik (PS - a cassette that I produced on Global Village 1986, Lifshe
Schaechter-Widman, "Az di furst avek", includes 2 short purim songs)

Dr. Itzik Nakhmen Gottesman
Assistant Professor, Yiddish Language and Culture
Department of Germanic Studies
University of Texas at Austin
EPS 3.102
Austin, TX 78704-1190
NEW PHONE NUMBER (512)232-6360 work
(512)444-3990 home


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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