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status of musicians

A group of us in Calgary are translating Rivkind's book "Klezmorim" which is 
a social history of klezmer and a critique of another book written by 
Joachim Stutchewsky.  The list postings about black muscians and status of 
the muscians reminds me of some of the discussion in the first chapter of 
Rivkind.  He quotes many Rabbinical sources and they all seem to say that 
it's o.k. for poor people to work as musicians but for rich people and those 
studying Torah, being a musician is lowering yourself.  I am not sure 
exactly of the dates of the Rabbinical sources being quoted but below is an 
"The responsa asked, someone who is learned and knows how to play a number 
of musical instruments asked if he had permission to play a violin before a 
bride and bridegroom [that?s a huge mitzvah], both leading to the chupah and 
at the festive meal.  The wedding meal is described as being a ?sudah 
mitzvah? a festive meal, that is commanded.  It is something that we are 
supposed to do at a wedding.  The answer was given:  It is a bit like 
lowering oneself according to the order of the custom of the people."

We're translating in bits and pieces and I am looking forward to finding out 
what is in the other chapters.
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