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Re: a woman's voice

BRAVA!  to you and BRAVO! to your husband.

Susan Lerner wrote:

> In discussing this issue with my husband, he made what I consider a most
> interesting point.  He points out that when the Catholic Church defended
> its anti-semitic policies as being a part of its religious dogma and taught
> by their church for centuries as part of their religion, Jews decried the
> use of religion and tradition to cloak and justify discrimination,
> demanding that religious dogma be changed so that the Catholic Church now
> officially has disavowed and changed Church policy supporting the teaching
> that Jews were the killers of Christ.  Religions evolve, no matter how
> reactionary forces may like to argue that they do not.  Why should Jews be
> permitted to hide behind the assertion that discrimination against women is
> required by their religion when Jews demand that Catholics may not hide
> behind the explanation that their religion requires discrimination against
> Jews?
> Shira

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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