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Re: music notation

I fear the answer is not simple. You would need a music notation software
package, such as Finale or Sibelius 7. If you use them to notate your
musical example, you could then send it to us as an attachment.

If you don't own one of the above packages already, you could en up
several hundred quid the poorer. And you recipients, too, would need to
have the relevant software to open your attachment!

Far from satisfactory. Can anyone think of a better method?


Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:

> Khaverim,
> Does anyone have an efficient way of indicating melodies or more in a
> message such as this?  It is always frustrating when someone posts
> lyrics amd one does not know the tune.
> Lorele

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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