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"Sachaki"-Need Text Help

Dear Listers:

I am doing an arrangement of the Hebrew song "Sachaki" ("Sachaki, Sachaki al 
hachalomot" or "Laugh at all my dreams") for the San Francisco Girls Chorus. 
My source for the text and melody is the Harry Coppersmith collection _Songs 
We Sing_ from 1950. If you have it, the song is on pages 376-377. I did not 
know this song before I started working with it (even though it is in the 
"favorites" section).

Coopersmith says the that melody was "adapted." If you know this song, do you 
have any idea what it was "adapted" from. The melody is certainly not 
liturgical in nature. The text is credited to "S. Tchernichovsky." Any idea 
who this is or what the original source might be for it?

Coopersmith prints three Hebrew verses (Sachaki..., Ki Od Nafshi..., and 
A'aminah...), but the English "translation" (it's a bit too "poetical" for 
the Hebrew--lots of "artistic license" taken) implies that there is a fourth 
verse (the fourth English verse says: "On that day shall my own 
people...arise, shake....the darkness from its eyes"). None of the Hebrew 
verses have anything to do with these thoughts. Is there a fourth Hebrew 
verse, and if so, could a copy be mailed or faxed to me. I am happy to pay 
for postage and/or phone fees.

Lastly, my ten years of Hebrew very long ago can get me through about half of 
the verses, and I'm sure that my trusty Hebrew/English dictionary can come to 
my aid when necessary, but if someone has a more literal English translation 
at hand, I would love to have access to it, if at all possible. 

Thank you in advance. With great appreciation for the collective wisdom of 
the List, I remain,


Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com

P.S. If you were watching the Grammy Awards, one of my CD productions: 
Chanticleer's _Colors of Love_, received a Grammy this year. I've been 
Chanticleer's recording producer for over 13 years. We're very proud as you 
can imagine.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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