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Re: "Sachaki"-Need Text Help

Dear Steve,

Sachki has 5 verses in Hebrew.
The words are by Tchnichovsky. Two of the many songbooks in our collection
where this songs appears are: Shiron leshishim shnot Tel-Aviv [1969] and
Sing Along with Efi Netzer, vol. 1. Tel-Aviv: General Federation of Labour
- Histadrut, 1983.
Here are the other 2 verses in transliteration. If you need them in Hebrew
and you can't find these songbooks, I'll fax it to you. As far as a
translation goes; we're opening an exhibition today, but if you don't
manage and you still need it next week, let me know.

Yashuv yfrach az gam ami,
Uva'aretz yakum dor, 
Barzel kvalav yasur menu,
Ayin be'ayin yir'eh or.

Az shir chadash yashir meshorer,
Leyofi venisgav libo er;
Lo, latza'ir, me'al kivri
Prachim yilketu lazer.

By the way, Mazal tov on Chanticleer - colors of love. We have it in the

Ryna Kedar
Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division
The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library
Tel-Aviv, Israel

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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