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Re: Hava Nagilah

If you can obtain a recording of "Hava Nagilah" played at an American
major league sporting event, do get it!  (I've heard it on the play list
for many teams, esp. baseball and ice hockey.)

Judah Cohen.

On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, galeet wrote:

> I'm doing a research project on "hava nagilah"  for a graduate seminar
> entitled "Music and Globalization."  I'm trying to locate and choose
> around 20 or so unusual/unconventional recordings of hava nagilah for
> analysis which best demonstrate how the piece has traveled globally.
> There are SO many recordings out there and it's difficult to know which
> ones are really interesting and worth tracking down.  The professor is
> willing to purchase a number of recordings for each of the students for
> his/her project.  I'm hoping some of you can suggest your favorite
> versions.  Thanks!
> Sincerely,
> Galeet Dardashti

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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