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Re: Hava Nagilah

galeet wrote:

> I'm doing a research project on "hava nagilah"  for a graduate seminar
> entitled "Music and Globalization."  I'm trying to locate and choose
> around 20 or so unusual/unconventional recordings of hava nagilah for
> analysis which best demonstrate how the piece has traveled globally.
> There are SO many recordings out there and it's difficult to know which
> ones are really interesting and worth tracking down.  The professor is
> willing to purchase a number of recordings for each of the students for
> his/her project.  I'm hoping some of you can suggest your favorite
> versions.  Thanks!
> Sincerely,
> Galeet Dardashti

Mine is Allan Sherman's "Harvey and Sheila."


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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