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Re: defining klezmer

<< In modern times, according to rumor, Zev Feldman started using the phrase 

"klezmer music" to describe Yiddish instrumental folk music. Well, you have 

to call it something, and "Yiddish instrumental folk music" is a little long.


The earliest documentable use of the term "klezmer music" (aside from that in 
Beregovski's 1937 monograph "Yidishe Instrumentalishe Folksmuzik") is on 
Giora Feidman's mid-1970s Hed Arzi LPs. Feldman may have gotten the term from 
Beregovski, but Feidman most likely didn't.  

Henry Sapoznik
"Klezmer! Jewish Music 
>From Old World to Our World"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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