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Re: Klezmer is dead...from one of the corpses...

<< And let's not confuse poor promotion of a lively (and apparently
already either out of print or generally unavailable) memoir/history
with anything but poor promotion and/or availability. >>

Just to let folks know. "Klezmer!"  is neither out of print nor unavailable.  has had trouble for the last month or more filling orders, but 
seems to get books out in a few weeks. Not great by any means. I've been 
promised  by them that they will get books into their warehouse shortly and 
return to a 24 hour fulfillment. 
Barnes and Noble, on the other hand, has never had trouble filling orders on 
their website and does get them out in 24 hours.
If people are really stuck and either can't get their local bookstore to 
order directly from the Gale Group (the current parent company of Schirmer 
Books and very expeditious in filling orders) then they should drop me an e 
offline and I will help arrange to get them copies.
Who'da thought distributing this thing would be more work than writing it...?

The Late Henry Sapoznik

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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