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Is this cassette Jewish?

<forgive duplication to other lists>

I was hoping for some help from the collective wisdom ...
I have a cassette which I am trying to catalog.  It is:
Aynadamar (La Fuentre de las Lagrimas) / Aurora Moreno.  Put out by
Saga/tTecnosaga, 1988.

After way too much time spent researching this I've discovered: It is a
collection of songs based on a form of poetry called Moaxaja (or Muwassaha).
This type of poetry was generally written in Andalusia Spain - it was
characterized by having the bulk of the poem be in one language (a high or
literary language) and then a stanza at the end in another language
(low/crude/vernacular)  Apparently, many were in Mozarabic - a romance
language with a strong Arabic influence.

There are Jewish poems of this sort - many include some Hebrew.  BUT I can't
tell if the ones I have in hand - have Jewish content.  Is anyone familiar
with this recording?

Sheryl Stahl

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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