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Fwd: Klezmer from italy

I thought this might be of interest to several people on the list.


>Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 17:12:49 +0100
>From: spazio <airstudio (at) tiscalinet(dot)it>
>help us
>Good morning,
>this mail means to explain you the new features of Cane Andaluso and
>Microsolco, two italian musical and publishing labels, releasing the
>fruit of collaborations between musicians and artists such as painters,
>graphics, writers, sculptors and photographers.
>We are happy to introduce you a new collection in our releasing activity
>and this letter is also a proposal we send to all of you trying to
>promote the developing ofItalian Klezmer tradition. We are looking for
>new contacts and interested people to help us
>through this project. The first two works we are promoting are the dèbut
>albums of the most important Italian Klezmer ensembles, of course you
>can buy them replying us your order via e-mail . All our works possess a
>special packaging and are released in limited edition. Post and package
>is included.
>Meshuge Klezmer Band - Dreidel - (Love 3)
>A touching example of musical synthesis, it's perpetually balanced
>between orthodoxy and folkloristic suggestions recalling the Eastern
>European tradition. Dreidel is an essential chapter to approach the
>italian klezmer, composed by the well-developed sextet   15 $ (Post and
>package is included)
>Full Metal Klezmer/Alessandra Spranzi
>When the earth comes apart (Cat: CA6)
>By 13 astonishing b/w shotsIn  Alessandra Spranzi gives a body to the
>sound visions of the most modern italian klezmer ensemble.
>Alessandra Spranzi is a visionary photographer, emotionally tied to the
>everyday inner side of the flats. It seems like the common tools of a
>kitchen take life inside her images, existing by their own light,
>escaping from the static reality. Colanders which look like spaceships,
>then glasses and teapots floating in front of those present. The musical
>contents are exploding jazz, just like an hypothetical hard boiled
>alteration of modern klezmer music. A cd which won't disappoint the John
>Zorn's Radical Jewish Culture disciples.
>(Limited edition)    15 $ (Post and package is included)
>Both the groups come from a deep knowledge of Klezmer musical heritage,
>combining time by time traditional elements with new arrangements and
>reinterpretation skills.
>We sure hope in your answers being confident about the great opportunity
>given to us releasing this kind of artistic inestimable experience.
>>From now on Thank you
>Best wishes
>Alessandro Raina-Giacomo Spazio
>Reply us, order or ask information at:
>Air Studio - via teodosio 85 - 20131 - Milano - Italy -
>Tel. +39 02 26824083   Fax +39 02 26827972
>e-mail: airstudio (at) tiscalinet(dot)it
>We don't accept cheques or money orders.
>We're sorry but due to the limited edition of our
>releases we can't satisfy all the promotional requests received.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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