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Re: Is this cassette Jewish?


I have this cassette on Several Records, which is a spin-off from Tecnosaga 
after a messy corporate divorce. Mine is dated 1991. You likely have it as 
Saga MSC 402, 1988, yes?

As near as I can tell, the first side of the cassette is Muwasha. I don't 
think there's any Jewish content. The second side is all more or less 
well-known Judeo-Spanish/Ladino song texts. I don't recognize all the 
melodies and so wonder if they wrote some of those themselves, but I am not 
the expert. (Judith??)

Hope this helps. Who are you cataloging it for??




For the benefit of those interested, the Sephardic titles are:

Non hay quien demande por mi
Ke tuelle me mia alma
Hija mía
Yo me levantí un lunes
No me puso mi madre
Novia de la cara blanca
El polo

At 02:20 PM 2/10/00 -0500, you wrote:
><forgive duplication to other lists>
>I was hoping for some help from the collective wisdom ...
>I have a cassette which I am trying to catalog.  It is:
>Aynadamar (La Fuentre de las Lagrimas) / Aurora Moreno.  Put out by
>Saga/tTecnosaga, 1988.
>After way too much time spent researching this I've discovered: It is a
>collection of songs based on a form of poetry called Moaxaja (or Muwassaha).
>This type of poetry was generally written in Andalusia Spain - it was
>characterized by having the bulk of the poem be in one language (a high or
>literary language) and then a stanza at the end in another language
>(low/crude/vernacular)  Apparently, many were in Mozarabic - a romance
>language with a strong Arabic influence.
>There are Jewish poems of this sort - many include some Hebrew.  BUT I can't
>tell if the ones I have in hand - have Jewish content.  Is anyone familiar
>with this recording?
>Sheryl Stahl

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

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