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Re: Oboes in klezmer music

For the first few years of KCB I lugged my oboe around and played it 
regularly (it's my main instrument).  Eventually, it seemed superfluous in 
light of the rest of our orchestrations, and I tended to play it only in a 
solo context, with harp, koto, or string quartet, but I've never made any 
professional recordings of these contexts.  Brandwein's solo stuff and 
Shloymke Beckerman's, if you can find it, are particularly adaptable for 
oboe.  I've taught a bit of klezmer oboe at New England Conservatory over the 
years, but don't know if any of my students are currently active. --Hankus 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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