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Szenes, Vainberg

Concerning the inquiry from Spertus about Szenes settings (sorry, I deleted
this before taking down the poster's name..): David Zahavy's "Eli, Eli" and
"Ashrey Ha'gafrur" are the classic settings of Szenes poetry.  Other
composers to set her work include Max Helfman ("Kol Kara," "Ashrey
Ha'gafrur"), Lawrence Avery, Charles Feldman (both "Ashrey Ha'gafrur"), and
Meira Maxine Warshauer ("Eli, Eli").  (Helfman, Avery, Feldman works
available from Transcontinental Music, New York;  Your patron may find of interest the
recent Szenes tribute "Ocean of Hope," written and performed by Venezuelan
pop singer Vivian Fulop.  The recording includes 13 Szenes settings sung in
English, Spanish, and Hebrew; it's available for purchase (among other
places) at the Holocaust Memorial Museum bookshop.
To Bob Wiener: For Vainberg, check the informative liner notes by Per Skans
to several CDs issued by Russian Disc.  (The Olympia label has also been
issuing a series of Vainberg CDs.)  Websites with data include "music under
Soviet rule":, and a site devoted
entirely to the composer:
For "Jewish content," maybe the "Rhapsody on 'Moldavian' Themes," op. 47
and the "Fantasy for Cello and Orchestra," op. 52; both are available on
CD.  Vainberg's music has been featured on several recitals given at the
Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Bret Werb
Washington DC

>From: "robert wiener" <wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com>
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Moishei Vainberg
>Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 00:22:13 -0500
>Moishei Vainberg is identified by some as a classical composer who
>uses Jewish themes in his compositions.
>Is there any basic scholarly work on Vainberg?
>Can someone identify which of his compositions are of greatest
>interest as "Jewish music"?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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