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RE: " Yiddish Fiddler On Roof" & Megilla of I. Manger"

Let me make a suggestion for what I did to avoid such mistakes, since this 
is a mistake that happens quite often on this list.

I have the 3 mailing icons REPLY TO SENDER, REPLY TO ALL, and FORWARD all 
lined up on top from left to right on my toolbar.  To avoid hitting the 
middle button, the REPLY TO ALL button, I went to the "customize toolbar" 
command (under TOOLS) and put 2 spaces between the two icons REPLY TO 
SENDER and REPLY TO ALL so that my hand-mouse has to go a little further to 
reach the REPLY TO SENDER BUTTON.   Since doing that, I no longer have such 
disasters anymore and I have had my doozies over the years.    Watch now 
that I told everyone about this, my hand will slip and cause me much 
embarrassment. :)

To avoid my own disaster of last week - sending an unfinished message, I 
just moved my SEND button to it's own far off corner where it can't do much 

Good luck to us all.

And you don't really want a Porche anyway, Bob.   Too showy.


From:  Robert Cohen [SMTP:rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com]
Sent:  Thursday, January 06, 2000 3:42 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:  Re: " Yiddish Fiddler On Roof" & Megilla of I. Manger"

A porch, not a Porsche--that's cute.  I'm still *very* naive w/ this and
much too nervous too order anything over the Net, but didn't know how it's
done--when you posted that order, I just thought:  Gee, should she be doing 
that?? ... What portions of the winter/spring will you be in NYC? -- Robert

>From: IGanz <IGanz (at) compuserve(dot)com>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: " Yiddish Fiddler On Roof" & Megilla of I. Manger"
>Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 05:56:56 -0500
>Thanks to all the Jewish mothers on the list with advice.  I'm sorry you
>won't be able to buy that Porsche, nor the house in L.A.  My account 
>have enough in it for a porch, much less a Porsche.  Anyway, the card 
>work.  Simon hoped everyone on the list would be ordering "Fiddler" and
>Best to you all,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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