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RE: sher or shers

Definitely keep to 'freylekh', but you should know that 'freylakh' iz an 
official dialectal variant of the word.  This means that it's Yiddish 
spelling ending with 'akh' is acceptable in the standard/literary language, 
but now that I think about it, standard rules of Yiddish transliteration 
are based on a direct correspondence between the Roman character and the 
Yiddish character in the standard spelling of the word.  Since 'ayin langer 
khof' <'ekh'> variant of the word is the more geographically frequent 
suffix ending in the word and therefore the more standard of spelling of 
the word (probably historically older too), then we have to keep the 
transliteration to 'freylekh'.   English transliteration follows Yiddish 
spelling not Yiddish pronounciations.   The Litvak in me sticks out its 
ugly head when it comes to 'ekh'/'akh' suffixed words, even though I 
usually write it with an 'ayin'.

I thought of making a note of that for you, but delivery man rang my 
doorbell as I wrote you message and the package I was to give him was not 
ready.   I am in middle of doing at least 8 things all at once to day - 
registering for a conference, checking on faxes, ordering extra beds, 
conferring with the YIVO librarian on online linkage at my new website, 
while writing 4 letters, preparing instructions for a graphics person and 
searching for music info on the Washington Holocaust museum library web 
site.   So I decided to send the note off as it was.  All while I am trying 
to quickly process as much mail as possible.

Well, the poor delivery guy rang the bell 3 times for me and the package 
went OK, but I didn't save myself anytime in the end.

I am glad you asked me this question and I could correct my response to 
you.  That was very good of you to do.

OK back to my tasks.


From:  Helen Winkler [SMTP:winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com]
Sent:  Wednesday, January 05, 2000 2:14 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:  RE: sher or shers

Dear Reyzl,
Thanks for the info--will correct this on the next redo of my page.

I notice many people use the "freylekhs" spelling in articles and on cd's.

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