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Re: recording

In a message dated 01/02/2000 7:00:26 PM Central Standard Time, 
acoustic (at) landmarknet(dot)net writes:

<< There
 is also the learning curve to consider, you don't want to compromise the
 quality of your music with less than adequate engineering skills.  >>

That's the truth!  Think about a live concert--how a great sound engineer can 
make you sound magnificent and a less great one can ruin the show.  I have 
had a hand at co-producing my albums, but no one in the band would be 
qualified to play engineer.  Having said that, I imagine the engineering 
challenges are less complicated for mixing a small group than a big band, 
where "combing" through the sound of each instrument, panning it and fitting 
it into the overall band sound can take quite a bit of time.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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