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Re: promiscuous fusionizers (footnote)

I'm going to mostly stay on the periphery here, listening (isn't that a lot 
better than "lurking"--sounds like I'm going to mug someone), but I I do 
want to mention that Ari's point makes me think, by (loose) analogy of (my 
disdain for) the Gershwin estate, which is especially zealous about 
protecting, and extending, the copyright to melodies that were originally, 
in some cases at least, borrowed (or fused) from other sources--like our 
liturgy. -- rlc

>From: Ari Davidow <ari (at) IVRITYPE(dot)COM>

>And, too, to associate fusion with promiscuity, as though a bad thing,
>when talking about a music originally fused from many older styles,
>does raise exactly those issues we tend to go back and forth discussing
>here ;-).

>Ari Davidow
>ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
>list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>the klezmer shack:

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