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Re: Jews, Gypsies and Cliches (off-topic P.S.)

Like the number of baseball fans who were at the Polo Grounds in N. Y. for 
Bobby Thomson's home run (the one that's commemorated in Concord, Mass.) in 
1951 ...

>From: Joshua Horowitz <horowitz (at) styria(dot)com>

>Sounds vaguely similar to stories of Kellerjuden (cellar Jews) here.
>Years ago I stopped counting the amount of times I heard people telling
>stories about the Jews they hid in cellars during the war here. During
>the so-called *denazification* of Austria it seemed that everyone
>suddenly had a story about how valiantly their family hid Jews in their
>cellars. Today I'm convinced that the number of Kellerjuden told about
>now dwarfs the world population count.


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