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RE: lie-lie-lie vs. die-die-die (vocables)

Let's use the YIVO transcriptions for Yiddish, shall we?  Just to be
consistent, not snotty.  

At 05:56 PM 11/03/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>I have been much too busy preparing for my daughter's bat mitsva to post on 
>this list for the last 5 weeks, but will throw the following in.
>Each hasidic sect had its own syllable and tradition.  I don't remember who 
>had what, but I think Modzitsh (sp.?) had something like 'digi dig die', 
>Lubavitch has its 'yie, yah, yie'..., someone has the 'die, die', etc.  If 
>you listen to old recording of hasidic recordings or ask some hasidim to 
>sing you a few nigunim of their _own_ sect, you would be able to figure it 
>out what each hasidic sect was.  I also have a feeling that Velvl Pasternak 
>knows the answer to this question best.  Reb Velvl?  Is you here?
>Itsik, I think that 'lie, lie lie' is European rather than particularly 
>Jewish.  One way of knowing is to ask the person to sing nigunim and 
>traditional songs as opposed to songs that may have extracted from the 
>native or local German Tchernovitz culture.
>But I liked Steve Fishbach's interpretation.  That was a really good one.
>From:  Matt Jaffey [SMTP:mjaffey2 (at) mum(dot)edu]
>Sent:  Tuesday, November 02, 1999 2:49 PM
>To:  World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject:  Re: lie-lie-lie vs. die-die-die (vocables)
><<Can anyone explain why when we sing nigunim in my synagogue everyone 
>"lie-lie-lie" rather than the more Yiddish way, "die-die-die"?>>
>Not an answer, but related. A former member of the Slonim Hassidic 
>mentioned  that the choice of syllables while singing nigunim in that
>community were entirely arbitrary and personal, leading to a simultaneous
>variety. From examples he gave, it seems that any soft consonant and any of
>several vowel sounds could be used.
Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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