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Re: Polka & Klez

In a message dated 11/03/1999 10:50:17 AM Central Standard Time, 
RUSHEFSKY_P (at) univerahealthcare(dot)org writes:

<< Does anyone have any information on the relationship between Polka music
 (which I know very little about) and klezmer?  >>

I would contact the American Jewish Committee and see if their contacts in 
the Polish community would help.  The AJC does outreach and bridge-building, 
including with the Polish community.  The Polish American Congress has been 
helpful in the past, although I don't know if they're running cold at this 
Having said that, I have done a few outreach concerts.  DO include polkas, 
mazurkas and krakoviaks.  Do NOT include Russian music--Jewish music is OK, 
but Russia is the oppresser and Ochi Chorniye or Moscow Nights would be 
distinctly unwelcome additions to this program.
Chicago Lori

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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