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Re: Cataloguing

Thank you Robert Cohen's for your message  to me re cataloguing Jewish
Music. The most interesting thing you said was that you had a fairly or even
very extensive collection that was uncatalogued.  This reinforces my belief
that there are lots of uncatalogued collections, and lots of partly
catalogued collections, and each person that ventures forth, uses a
different and made up system for their own collection.  We hope to create
something where collections can talk to each other, so to speak.  Thanks for
your encouragement.  Also thank you very much for identifying what you may
want to search for in a catalogue, viz. the text, particularly to find where
liturgical text is used in the folk style.  We will bear this in mind. I
hope you dont mind me showing your letter to the list.  It may stimulate
others to think about what they would need/want in a catalogue of this

Re the conference.  The date for submissions was 30 September and over 60
very interesting papers have been received.  However late submissions from
list members may be considered.

Best Wishes
Geraldine Auerbach
Jewish Music Heritage Trust
P O Box 232 Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2NE
Tel +44 (0)181 909 2445, Fax +44 (0)181 909 1030
E-mail: jewishmusic (at) jmht(dot)org

----- Original Message ----- >
> __Dear Ms. Auerbach:  Thank you for your posting to the jewish music list
your Cataloguing project.  (With respect to the Conference, I've already
submitted a proposal to Alexander Knapp; I had understood, actually, that
the deadline was some time ago.) I'm certainly interested in your project
and would much appreciate being kept informed of its progress--but I'm not
sure what I can contribute at my end.  As a Jewish music historian and
lecturer, I have a collection of perhaps several hundred LPs (long-playing
vinyl records), cassettes, and CDs--perhaps (very?) small by library/archive
standards, yet extensive relative to the collections of some friends and
associates.  My (uncatalloged) collection is an eclectic one, but my primary
professional (and, for that matter, avocational) interest is in folk-style
settings of Jewish liturgical music, so the primary thing I want to know
about records of liturgical/religious music is what prayers, piyyutim
(hymns), or verses from the Tanakh are set to music on the recording.  The
number of voices and nature of the instrumentation would also, of course, be
of interest.  I'm not sure if this is at all helpful to you or is the sort
of information you are seeking, but I'd welcome your comments, thank you
again for the opportunity to reply to you, and would certainly like to be
kept informed of and kept in touch with this most worthy project.  With
thanks and best wishes--Robert Cohen

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