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Re: Old World vs. New World klez

Speaking of the Bulgar article by Feldman, what I found most interesting was 
the reason he gave for the popularization of the bulgar in America. (correct 
me if I've misinterpreted anything) He stated that  the bulgar was adopted 
by the Jewish population from the surrounding non-Jewish population in 
Bessarabia.  Upon moving to America, Jews adopted more secular values. They 
rejected the old shers and freilachs because these were associated with 
European orthodox Jewish weddings.  The bulgar was European enough to 
maintain ties with the old country, yet didn't carry the baggage of 
orthodoxy.  It was sort of a compromise, but eventually the American Jewish 
community left behind even this remnant of life in Europe.  So, here we are 
today trying to follow the path ( a path that was erased for so many 
reasons) back to Europe and to the roots of Jewish music and dance.  It has 
come full circle.

Helen Winkler
Helen's Yiddish Dance Page
winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com

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