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Re: Old World vs. New World klez

Re:  how were the dances transmitted from the non-Jewish to the Jewish 
community.  Here are two references I have found on this topic:

1)      LeeEllen Friedland describes the star dancer concept.  In every 
there were dance enthusiasts who went looking for new dances and then 
transmitted these to their community members (Tantsn Is Lebn:  Dancing in 
Eastern European Jewish Culture, Dance Research Journal 17/2 &18/1, 1985-86)

2)  Ruth Rubin describes how in the 19th century Jewish communities, several 
community members would take ?responsibility for teaching the dance steps to 
the rest of the young people.?  In richer communities, a Tanzmeister would 
be hired and would teach new dances even if there was no instrumental 
accompaniment available; instead people would make up little songs to dance 
to.  Both Jewish and non Jewish dances were part of the community?s 
repertoire. (Voices of a Peiople the story of Yiddish folksong)

Helen Winkler
Helen's Yiddish Dance Page
winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com

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