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Breslov Khsidim in Western Massachusetts 10/21

The Breslov musicians will also be in eastern Mass., tonight and tomorrow
night.  Here's the info:


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Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:19:40 EDT
From: Nossen & Channah Schafer <schafer (at) juno(dot)com>
Subject: SIMPLY TSFAT in Sharon & Brookline

The Breslov Community in Tsfat, Israel presents
in Sharon & Brookline

An evening of Music, Storytelling and Torah
including songs of Breslover Chassidim and Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

with two Chassidic musicians from Tsfat
Rabbi Yonasan Lifshutz
Reb Elyahu Reiter

Tuesday,       Oct. 19th in Brookline
Wednesday, Oct. 20th in Sharon

****For Tues. Oct. 19th in Brookline
at the home of Scott Cassells & Susan Potziba 21 Orchard Rd.
RSVP to 617-782-0451
or to  the Boston-Breslov Connection 617-732-8962

****For Wed. Oct. 20th in Sharon
at the Young Israel of Sharon 8 PM
9 Dunbar St. in Sharon

both events
$10 for adults, $5 srudent and kids (sliding scale available))

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On Mon, 18 Oct 1999, Joe Kurland wrote:

>I just got a call from someone at Congregation B'nai Israel in
>Northampton, MA saying that a couple of musicians from the Breslov
>Khsidim will be performing there on Thursday evening at 7:30 pm.
>He said that there would be a violinist and guitarist from Israel and
>that they would be singing nigunim. Admission is $5. 
>I don't know any more about it but it sounds interesting.  If you're
>within driving distance, you may want to check this out.  You should be
>able to get more information and directions by calling the synagogue
>office at 413-584-3593. 
>Zayt gezunt (be healthy),
>Yosl (Joe) Kurland
>The Wholesale Klezmer Band
>Colrain, MA 01340
>voice/fax: 413-624-3204

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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