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RE: Benny Bell

I have the following 78's of his that belonged to my father but I doubt I want 
to part with them.  I could make copies, though.

Chella Luna in Yiddish.  Novelty Records 366A
El Toreador, Novelty Records, 366B
Eye-yi Yah-da-de (That's what the label says?) Bell Novelty Records
Happiness Freilach, Bell Novelty Records
Moishe Pipick, Bell Novelty Records 434A c.1946
In the Subway, 433B

Leonard Koenick

-----Original Message-----
From:   Kame'a Media [SMTP:media (at) kamea(dot)com]
Sent:   Tuesday, September 21, 1999 4:52 PM
To:     World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:        Benny Bell

To the List:

Searching for Yiddish recordings by vaudevillian
Benny Bell.

Thank You.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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