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NEW***Worlds Of Jewish Sacred Music"***

         "NEW RELEASE"***On sale $12.95...Shipping Included***"NEW RELEASE
                   "Tuning The Soul- Worlds of Jewish Sacred Music".
                           by Richard Kaplan & Michael Ziegler.

Just received a new recording of (primarily) Sacred Jewish music from all 
corners of the world. The performers, Richard Kaplan and Michael Ziegler are 
both cantors.

The recording features musical gems from the traditions of Ashkanazi, 
Mizrazchi, North African and Sephardi Jewish communities. "We have placed a 
special emphasis on Mizrachi music...this is the world of Maqam...a system of 
tonal organization similar to others found in Asia and the Middle East, such 
as the Indian raga..." 
Booklet includes detailed descriptions of tunes.

We are offering this Cd  at the special price of $12.95, shipping included.
Selections Include:

 1) Bar'chu - Yemen
 2) Hallelu Adonai - South Asia (Pakistan-India)
 3) Ki Eshmerah Shabbat - Jerusalem
 4) Eli Yah Eli - Syria
 5)  Rav's Niggun - Belarus
 6) Yah Ribon - Jerusalem
 7) El Adon - Jerusalem
 8) Kina - Eastern Europe
 9) Zochreynu L'Caim - South Asi
10) Hosha Na - Eastern Europe
11) Niggun of the Besht - Galicia
12) Tiskabeyl -  Poland
13) Lecha Dodi - Morocco
14) Hallelu Avdey Adonai - Iraq
15) Psalm 150 - Jerusalem
16) Ana B'Kareynu - Turkey
17) Yigdal - Morocco
18) Bar'chu  (reprise)

Hatikvah Music 
Sorry Joel, there are no Ladino songs on this recording!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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