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Re: "Exotic" Jewish Music

>While on the subject of "Exotic" music, check out some of the great and even 
>sensual Yiddish tangos, definitely "Exotic."

Was that a little prompt to me Simon? 

I was wondering if I wanted to bring up the tangos as exotic.  All depends on 
where you are coming from, I guess.  Maybe my favorite and most exotic 
because of the secular/ religious cross over are the modern chasidic tangos I 
have come by.  All the way from .... Brooklyn.  

I have a copy of a tango -- it is in fact La Cumparsita (probably the most 
famous Argenitine tango) -- performed by a Russian pianist as a strident 
march.  I picked up the vinyl at KlezKamp one year, and it doesn't even have 
an artist's name on it -- just called Songs of a Russian Emigrant.  The song 
is called Argentine dance or something like that. 

Other than that, my next favorite in the exotic category is a tango in French 
and Arabic, and 100% Jewish (though not Yiddish)  -- called Mchate Aliye, 
sung by Rene Perez.  


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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