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Re: Kol Isha/Trudi's Yiddish/


I object to your choice of words.

Your claim that I am TOTALLY lacking in understanding
and that even the MOST uneducated Yiddish speaker
would not make these "mistakes" as you call them
is TOTALLY  arrogant and MOST obnoxious of you .

As I said I am not a grammarian by profession,,  but I see plenty of room for
discussion regarding sentence  fragments, word order and transliteration, not
to mention dialects and other regional speech anomalies.
However, since you claim to know everything  -- how wonderful for you -- I see
no sense in wasting my time.

I also want to say that  referring to the three women scholars (in another
thread) as "bottom of the barrel" was most disrespectful and unkind and only
contributes to the meanspiritedness  and one-upsmanship one often finds on
this list. For someone who claims such cultural and <halakhic> knowledge, you
should know that shaming someone publicly is equivalent to shedding blood. You
should apologize.

You say to let Paula teach me about Yiddish.  She does;  we teach each other.
She from a trained linguist's POV and I, from that of a native speaker.

I say let Josh teach you about <eydlkayt>.

Lighten up, Reyzl;  get over yourself.

No hard feelings.



---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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