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Re: KOL ISHA and Diversity

Thank you Bob!  My sentiments exactly.  How boring if we all agreed all the 

A post script to my earlier posting on the Bukharan Jewish music concert I 
attended:  I was 
tempted to describe it as "exotic".  In this day of PC and open, objective 
musicology is there 
anything in the Jewish music world that qualifies as "exotic"?


On 09/27/99 11:28:32 Bob Wiener wrote:
>I think that the Kol Isha thread will end when everyone has had their
>say.  I know that many (myself included) have discussed the issue much
>more privately than in list posts.
>That said, it seems to me that this issue goes far beyond personal
>gripes and vendettas about being denied the opportunity to pursue
>one's livelihood playing Jewish music (although, wouldn't that be
>enough?).  It raises several other questions.  Performers: Should  I
>only play in venues that permit/forbid women vocalists (whether or not
>I usually have a woman vocalist in my group)?  Patrons: Should I
>patronize (attend concerts, buy recordings) only from groups that have
>a similar point of view to mine on this issue?  (Some of us may have
>made similar decisions about Cat Stevens concerts and recordings or
>misogynistic rap.)...

All too often, I believe, we
>find ourselves talking with those like us and never are exposed to the
>ideas of those who are somewhat different.  Our list rejoices in the
>diversity of Jewish musical voices (from all those diverse groups of
>Jews from around the world).  Let's not stifle voices here.
>Especially when the topic is the silencing of the voices of half of
>the Jewish people.
>I hope to learn even more about the development and acceptance of the
>principle of Kol Isha in Orthodox Judaism (although, apparently, with
>some differentiation even there).  I hope that we can remain
>passionate about this and other issues without personal attacks.  In
>fact, even this thread has helped me to better appreciate not only how
>we differ, but also what common ground we share.  I am glad that Ari
>has let it run its course.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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