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Re: Jewish music performance series


My shul, The Old Broadway Synagogue in Harlem, has asked me to initiate a
Jewish music performance series there. It's a great space, very lively
acoustically (no carpets, with wood benches and women's balcony), with a
hell of a lot of "neshomo" and "ruach." The building itself is a classic, a
tad run-down, but still very much as it was when built 75 years ago. We're
a block east of BWY, just a half block north of 125th St.

There are a few of us trying to revive this last shul in Harlem. The music
performances would be more for publicity to attract members, and not
necessarily to raise money. Of course, it's always nice to make some money,
but after years in the arts...well, you know the rest of the story.

What seems like a good idea to me would be for some performers to come down
on an off-night during the week--say, Mon.--Wed. or whatever works for
you-- and play for most or all of the gate. We would publicize the
concerts, and will need to be reimbursed for our overhead. I'm flexible on
all of these issues and would welcome your input if you contact me.

As a musician myself, please be aware that my goal is not to scew anybody.
Depending on your responses, my dream is that the series could grow to
become an important one where different musicians mix and match with others
they wouldn't ordinarily collaborate with. It's a really live space, so I'd
personally prefer acoustic instruments with no P.A.'s. It's good for you,

The one major drawback--and I believe it's a big one--is that I cannot at
this time invite solo women singers. Women instrumentalists are okay, but
in the Orthodox tradition, women vocalists are not. I'm not sure about
mixed choirs. These are not my personal beliefs, so I apologize to all the
female singers for this lack of opportunity. There's simply nothing I can
do about it.

Those of you who would be intersted, please be so kind to contact me
off-list. Out-of-towners with some down time in the city are welcome as well..

Thanks for your consideration,

Eliott Kahn

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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