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Der Rebe Elimeylekh

Here is the last verse of a version by Mark Olf, as best as I can make it
out.  I'm not sure if I have the Yiddish right so I can't translate it
properly.  Please tell me if what I wrote makes sense; I'm just learning.
I'm sure someone can help me.

Un ven di fidldike fidlers un di tsimbldike tsimblers
Un di paykldike paylers payklen op,
Blaybt der Rebe Elimeylekh, mer ver nor nit azoy freylekh,
Un shrayt oys, "Oy, mayn kop!  Oy mayn kop!"

Meaning something like:

And when the fiddling fiddler and the cymbling cymbler and the drumming
drummer finished, the R. E. ended up no longer so merry and shouted out,
"Oh, my head!  Oh my head!"

I guess after so much making merry he couldn't hold his likker, and became
a bit more shiker.  ;-)
Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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