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Re: Rebbe Abimelechs tanz

The song Rebbe Eli Meylekh was composed by the brilliant Yiddish satirist and 
dedicated Communist Moshe Nadir in 1927. The peppery anti-Hasidic cast of the 
song was so successful that a) no one recalls that Nadir was actually the 
composer and b) people actually think it's a pro-Hasidic ditty. Nadir, in 
co-opting "Old King Cole", was only one of several Jewish composers who wrote 
variants on English language songs (after all isn't Sholom Secunda's "Dona, 
Dona" just a Yiddish spin on "Git Along Little Dogies"?)

Henry Sapoznik
"Klezmer! Jewish Music
>From Old World to Our World"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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