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Re: failure notice

>Thought you all deserved a groaner:
>>> The Beatles New Release: The Jewish Album
>>> Can't Buy Me Guilt
>>> Roll Over Maimonides
>>> We Can Kvetch it Out
>>> I Am the Bibi
>>> Eleanor Rigby-Cohen
>>> Lucy in the Shul with Derma
>>> Obla Oy, Obla Vey, Life Goes On
>>> We All Live in a Yellow Matzaball
>>> You Say It's Your Bar-Mitzva, It's My Bar-Mitzva Too
>>> Can't Buy Me Kishka
>>> This Goy
>>> Sgt. Pilpul's Lonely Klezmer Band
>>> All You Need Is Lev
>>> __________________________________________________
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>>Do You Yahoo!?
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>Lori Cahan-Simon
Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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