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Re: Garcia Lorca

>Does anyone know if F. Garcia Lorca ever set Sephardic texts to his own
>music or arranged Sephardic songs?

I am not familiar with Garcia Lorca settings of Sephardic texts.
On the other hand, Italian (American, after 1938) Jewish composer Mario
Castelnuovo Tedesco set to music Lorca's "Cancionero Gitano".
Another tip for the debate about "what is Jewish music".
Btw, it is a great piece for guitar and voices...

Shavu'a tov,
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                                       YUVAL  ITALIA
                         Centro di Studi sulla Musica Ebraica
                The Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

                   dr. Francesco Spagnolo, Director

via della Guastalla,19    20122 Milano Italy  tel/fax +39 02 55014977
mailto:yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it          
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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