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Re: Classical Recordings: Jewish Significance?

Is this story the basis of the (earlier this century in America, Second 
Avenue, I think) play/musical "Esterke" (not sure of the spelling), which 
was the source of the song (music by Secunda) "Dona Dona"!!

>From: "Alex J. Lubet" <lubet001 (at) maroon(dot)tc(dot)umn(dot)edu>
>Reply-To: "Alex J. Lubet" <lubet001 (at) maroon(dot)tc(dot)umn(dot)edu>
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Classical Recordings: Jewish Significance?
>Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 09:32:37 -0500
>Responding to the message of <003901bed9b9$b2a9c440$8b02f7a5 (at) bob>
>from jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org:
> >
> > I'm looking for some help once again in identifying whether recently
> > issued CDs contain music of Jewish significance.
> >
> > Loewe: Esther cycle (Ziesak)
> > cpo 999 543(CD)
> > According to a recent review in Fanfare magazine, the Esther named was
> > a 13th century Polish Jew, but I don't know if that fact is reflected
> > in the music or text.
>Don't know the piece but, having recently taught in Poland, I can tell you 
>the title refers to Esterka, the legendary (and possibly real) Jewish 
>of King Kazimierz.  According to the story, they had four children:  two 
>raised Catholic, two daughters raised as Jews.  The king was said to have 
>owing to his great love for her, greatly benevolent to the Jews of Poland.  
>story is sometimes compared to the book of Esther and it is the subject of 
>I recall has been cited as a major 19th century Polish novel, although I'd 
>to spend more time on research than I can currently afford to identify its
>Loewe was a contemporary of Schubert and a pioneer of German lieder, a 
>according to my (not entirely reliable) sources.
>Thanks for bring this to light.
> >
> > Paderewski: Piano Music (The Flood; Dans le desert) (Radziwonowicz)
> > Selene 9201.3, 9203.6 (Polish Import Export)(2CD)
> > Also found in a Fanfare review.  These two titles suggest possible
> > programmatic music based on Hebrew scriptures (Noah and the Flood, and
> > the Exodus to the Sinai and the desert), but that could just be a
> > coincidence.  The distributor was not able to help.  Can any of you?
> >
> > Is there any publication that follows this type of Jewish-music
> > connection?
> >
> > Bob
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > .
>Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
>Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
>Adjunct Professor of American Studies
>University of Minnesota
>2106 4th St. S
>Minneapolis, MN 55455
>612 624-7840 612 626-2200 (fax)

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