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Classical Recordings: Jewish Significance?

I'm looking for some help once again in identifying whether recently
issued CDs contain music of Jewish significance.

Loewe: Esther cycle (Ziesak)
cpo 999 543(CD)
According to a recent review in Fanfare magazine, the Esther named was
a 13th century Polish Jew, but I don't know if that fact is reflected
in the music or text.

Paderewski: Piano Music (The Flood; Dans le desert) (Radziwonowicz)
Selene 9201.3, 9203.6 (Polish Import Export)(2CD)
Also found in a Fanfare review.  These two titles suggest possible
programmatic music based on Hebrew scriptures (Noah and the Flood, and
the Exodus to the Sinai and the desert), but that could just be a
coincidence.  The distributor was not able to help.  Can any of you?

Is there any publication that follows this type of Jewish-music


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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