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Re: Classical Recordings: Jewish Significance?

Responding to the message of <003901bed9b9$b2a9c440$8b02f7a5 (at) bob>
from jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org:
> I'm looking for some help once again in identifying whether recently
> issued CDs contain music of Jewish significance.
> Loewe: Esther cycle (Ziesak)
> cpo 999 543(CD)
> According to a recent review in Fanfare magazine, the Esther named was
> a 13th century Polish Jew, but I don't know if that fact is reflected
> in the music or text.

Don't know the piece but, having recently taught in Poland, I can tell you that 
the title refers to Esterka, the legendary (and possibly real) Jewish mistress 
of King Kazimierz.  According to the story, they had four children:  two sons 
raised Catholic, two daughters raised as Jews.  The king was said to have been, 
owing to his great love for her, greatly benevolent to the Jews of Poland.  Her 
story is sometimes compared to the book of Esther and it is the subject of what 
I recall has been cited as a major 19th century Polish novel, although I'd have 
to spend more time on research than I can currently afford to identify its 

Loewe was a contemporary of Schubert and a pioneer of German lieder, a Gentile, 
according to my (not entirely reliable) sources.

Thanks for bring this to light.
> Paderewski: Piano Music (The Flood; Dans le desert) (Radziwonowicz)
> Selene 9201.3, 9203.6 (Polish Import Export)(2CD)
> Also found in a Fanfare review.  These two titles suggest possible
> programmatic music based on Hebrew scriptures (Noah and the Flood, and
> the Exodus to the Sinai and the desert), but that could just be a
> coincidence.  The distributor was not able to help.  Can any of you?
> Is there any publication that follows this type of Jewish-music
> connection?
> Bob
> .

Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American Studies
University of Minnesota
2106 4th St. S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612 624-7840 612 626-2200 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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