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Re: Hungary

Thanks Simon and Lori!


>At 02:00 PM 7/22/99 EDT, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 7/22/99 3:25:42 AM, gerbn (at) wxs(dot)nl writes:
>><< I'll be going to Hungary in august, including a visit to Budapest.  >>
>>There is a beautiful synagogue in Budapest, The Dohany Street Synagogue.
>>should be a very important part of your visit.
>There is also a synagogue in Szeged, just north of the former Yugoslav
>border, that is worth seeing.  It is a large, freestanding building which
>occupies a city block on a site surrounded by a large iron fence and trees.
> It is the largest and most ambitious of the projects of the famous Jewish
>architect, Lipot Baumhorn, to survive the war.  Around the perimeter of the
>building is a series of stained-glass windows on various themes pertaining
>to the cycle of the Jewish year.  The largest window includes an image of
>the self-same synagogue.  The first rabbi of the synagogue, it is said, was
>keen on botany, and this interest shows in the decorative elements.
>Lori Cahan-Simon


Gerben Zaagsma
Koninginnelaan 35
9717 BN  Groningen
The Netherlands
tel.: 0031-(0)50-3131304

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