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nusach - announcement

I am now hosting a daily (not on shabbat) show entitled nusach on the net.
the show airs at 11 am every weekday.  we will feature the great (and
sometimes not so great) cantors of the world.  I hope that you will be able
to join in listening to the program.  Nusach as a davening art has been
fading somewhat in recent years.  I hope with this show to introduce nusach
to those who are unfamiliar with the specific melodies of shabbat and the
holidays, and to provide a place for those familiar with nusach to hear our
beautiful heritage.  I invite any cantors on the list to contact me if you
would like your work aired.  I can be reached at nusach (at) 
hotmail(dot)com(dot)  The
show site is  On the home page, click on listen to
the show, and when the show page comes up click on the boom box!  Happy

Winston Weilheimer
Lay Rabbi
Temple Israel of Deland (Florida)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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