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Re: Hungary

At 02:00 PM 7/22/99 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 7/22/99 3:25:42 AM, gerbn (at) wxs(dot)nl writes:
><< I'll be going to Hungary in august, including a visit to Budapest.  >>
>There is a beautiful synagogue in Budapest, The Dohany Street Synagogue.
>should be a very important part of your visit. 

There is also a synagogue in Szeged, just north of the former Yugoslav
border, that is worth seeing.  It is a large, freestanding building which
occupies a city block on a site surrounded by a large iron fence and trees.
 It is the largest and most ambitious of the projects of the famous Jewish
architect, Lipot Baumhorn, to survive the war.  Around the perimeter of the
building is a series of stained-glass windows on various themes pertaining
to the cycle of the Jewish year.  The largest window includes an image of
the self-same synagogue.  The first rabbi of the synagogue, it is said, was
keen on botany, and this interest shows in the decorative elements. 


Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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