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Re: Yiddish Tango, Jews in tango

I think "Friling", the wondeful tango-inspired song from the Vilna ghetto should
be named here, text by poet-partisan Shmerke Kaczerginski  (music by Abraham
Brudno). The song was some years ago translated by Swedish Academy Member and
outstanding poet Lars Forsell into Swedish and recorded by Basia Frydman, a
well-known Swedish actress (at The Jewish Theatre of Stockholm), a child of
Yiddish-speaking Polish Jews.

Of course, there are many recordings of "Friling"; my own favorite is by another
child of Yiddish-speaking Polish Jews, Wolf Krakowski on his CD 
(curiosly enough our respected moderator  meant that there were no
resistance-songs on it when he reviewed this CD).

Europeans can readily acquire "Transmigrations" at


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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