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Re: Yiddish Tango, Jews in tango

I'm no expert on this, but on the Giora Feidman CD "Yiddish Soul" Brudno is
also listed as the composer.

Kasriel Broydo, to my knowledge, was a Vilna Poet, very popular, author of
a.o. "Efsher vet geshen a nes" ("Perhaps a Miracle Will Occur") and "Men
kon gor nit visn" ("You
Never Can Tell"), but perhaps he composed songs, too.


> Från: Trudi Goodman <goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com>
> Till: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> Ämne: Re: Yiddish Tango, Jews in tango
> Datum:  den 28 juli 1999 23:43
> The composer for Friling is Kasriel Broydo, at least according to one
> book that I have.
> Re:  see Workman's Circle publication--Songs from the Holocaust.
> Trudi

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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