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Moment music issue (was RE: pandering thread)

> >Wolf said...
> >Those following the "pandering thread" may be interested in this month's
> >issue of "Moment" magazine---
> >"Blast With the Past:  Reinventing the Jewish Beat."
> >List member, journalist Seth Rogovoy contributes his
> >"Top Klezmer CDs of the Last Year".
Steve Singer then asked:
> Well, Seth... was this yet another <paid> advertising section?

I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Magazines pretty much support
themselves by selling ads. But if you mean "was this an advertorial?" the
answer is not to my knowledge. Moment hired me to write the piece and paid
me for it directly, and there was never any consideration given to
advertisers by them or me.

--Seth Rogovoy,
Host of "The Klezmer Hour," MOndays, 9-10 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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