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Re: chairs and weddings

It is interesting to pontificate on this theme, but activities arise and fall
all the time, especially now that communication is so rapid and complete. I
refer to the fact that a few years ago at a wedding here in New orleans we
carried the bride and groom on chairs, and then did the mother and father
because , it was said that when the last child is married off the parents
also go in the chairs. Since then at weddings in various parts of the country
I have seen parents carried even if it wasn't the last child. And recently in
bar and bat mitzvahs they have carried the honoree and sometime the parents
also. So go figure it out. Tradition ain't tradition no more.

Helen Winkler wrote:

> A few days ago the question about the origin of the custom of raising the
> bride and groom on chairs at weddings came up.  Today, I was watching a
> video of the Chasidic dance called "Keysad Herokdin Lefnay Hakale."
> Interestingly, the bride was seated on a chair during the dance and at a
> certain point in the dance a group of people pushed the chair across the
> floor as part of the dance.  Perhaps the chair raising is a variation on
> this theme.
> Sincerely,
> Helen
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