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RE: Jewish/Chr'ian radio

Reyzl said:

>It doesn't work like that at all.   There are no Christian ads during the 
>programs on these stations.   You buy a block of time and you control what 
>you have on there.  That's how all radio programs work.   The ads in the 
>middle of your program are the ones that sponsor that particular program, 
>whether it's your own or some commercial company.

Now there actually is an issue here- evangelical Christians get bonus
points (and extra S & H Green Stamps) for converting Jews. I recall a
certain show that I heard on the radio after Shabbos one week when I was in
college at the University of Florida (oy, vey, do I haveta tell...) around
1980. The theme of the show was 'Is there no balm in Gilead' or some such
thing. Over some music (and I don't remember whether it was Jewish or not)
this woman was aiming at the elderly Florida set on both costs and saying
stuff like:
"Shabbos koidesh is over- you've just said havdoolah, maybe you're feeling
a little bit down... but if you accept yeshia hamoshiach into your hearts..."
So my question is this- after 'Reyzl's Klezmer Hour' is over, has the
audience immediately changed the station or turned off the radio, or are
they still tuned in?
Then again I guess if they're going to get you (the Evangelicals), they'll
get you, and if not, then not.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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